Why “freedom”? Because fuck those freedom hating French, that’s why – whenever America wants to liberate a country it’s those pesky French that have a problem with it. Anyway – we kicked their commie asses in doublya-doublya two, so… yeah. Soup this good deserves an AMERICAN name!
Here is what I do to make it:
Peel and thinly slice 3 lbs of yellow onions, and sauté in a mixture of margarine (I use Earth Balance) and extra virgin olive oil. I use probably about 4-5 tablespoons total – that might feel fatty but this is traditionally a fatty soup. Caramelize the onions on medium-high heat – this might take a bit of time, so be patient.
I added about 6 cloves of chopped garlic when the onions start getting a nice brownish color, and let them cook for a couple of minutes.
Then I deglazed with 2/3rd cups of white wine. I like to use Three Buck Chuck, but whatever you want to use is fine. Turn the heat up to high and add some fresh cracked black pepper. Then I added 5 cups of veggie broth, which I had warmed up on the side with a couple of bayleaves.
Bring this up to a simmer, and cover on low heat. Let it cook for 20 minutes, stirring halfway through. Add salt to taste (though I didn’t need any).
Put it in the fridge and serve it for that rad girl that is coming over for dinner tomorrow night. :)
Awesome. You need to post your "Chicken" soup recipe too. Just sayin. :)