Wednesday, August 19, 2009

BBQ sandwich -- quick and easy meal

This is for Cokaru, who's always looking for quick and easy stuff to make after getting home from work. I know what that's like. After working all day you don't really wanna cook for a long time. Well, this is something you can make in ten minutes, it's really good, and not all that bad for you -- a little fatty, but much better than pretty much any drive thru (which as a vegan is not an option for me anyhow).

The main reason I don't post more recipes is that I don't know how much a given ingredient I use when I make something. I just know -- the instincts I have for cooking don't necessarily communicate well. I pretty much cook on intuition and by "eyeballing" stuff.

Well this time I decided to measure stuff (mostly) so I could post how to make my BBQ sandwiches. My omni mom raves over these. And I don't blame her. They're really good!


2 cloves of garlic, minced
Half a small onion, diced
3/4 cup of TVP, frozen Boca crumbles, seitan, Match, or your favorite meat substitute (tofu or tempeh won't work though)
Your favorite barbecue sauce
Extra virgin olive oil -- 4 or so tablespoons
Red pepper flakes (to taste -- optional)

Heat up your oil in a pan on medium heat. Add your onion, and let that fry up for a minute or so before adding the garlic and the red pepper flakes. When the onion starts to caramelize then you can add in the meat substitute (I usually use Boca crumbles, but Match "pork" works really well, as does seitan). Cook this up for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. After it get good and heated through, add your barbecue sauce to taste. Some people like it "wetter" than others, so eyeball it, until it looks right to you. (Be careful, as there will likely be a little hot splatter, as the barbecue sauce and oil don't like each other very much.)

Stir this around for a minute or so until it's good and hot. Then add it to your favorite bread, add some pickles, crack open a Schlafly Kolsh, get some Ritz crackers to scoop up the inevitable spillover, and relish the fact that the Cardinals just acquired John Smoltz!

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