Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Review: Full Circle brand soymilk

I have been neglecting this blog. As the great screamo band Grade sang (err... screeched?) "life gets in the way of living." Eh, no excuses. I'm a little bummed that the Cards just traded their best minor league prospect for two months of the pretty good (but by no means great) Matt Holliday. I'm also much more bummed about other things much more substantive in my life right now... but I won't get into that.

Soymilk has come a long way. Once upon a time, long before my vegan days (back when I was still omni), a vegan friend of mine told me "soymilk tastes like Maalox." He was right. The stuff was borderline undrinkable back then. Since those days of the mid-90s, most soymilk manages to avoid being completely disgusting. Silk is decent, but not great. None of the other brands had managed to stand out to me. They were all good enough to have with a bowl of cereal, but nothing I would want to enjoy for its own sake.

That is until I had Full Circle soymilk. This stuff is amazing. This is the only soymilk that actually reminds me somewhat of the real thing. It is smooth, somewhat sweet, but not too sweet (like Silk vanilla). It also, somehow, manages to not have that strange back-of-the-tongue bitterness every other soymilk seems to have in spades. I don't know how they did it -- the stuff is vegan, but it doesn't taste vegan.

Full Circle is an organic food company that sells exclusively to several grocery chains around the U.S., and one of those chains is out very own Schnuck's. You should try it. I'm super cereal.


  1. Yeah. I'm drinking a glass of Silk soymilk right now, and it tastes a little like Maalox lol. But it's better than nothing at all.

  2. Uh oh. I just tried my first ever carton of soymilk this week, Full Circle "Regular," and I can't get over the icky aftertaste. If this is the best there is, I'm in trouble! I was hoping maybe Silk was less intrusive or something. Oh well.

  3. Full Circle Soymilk is rad. Also makes great peanut butter banana smoothies.
