Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life is nuts

I have been neglecting the blog. My excuse: I have a lot of life stuff going on right now. Work is nuts right now as the end of the semester approaches. I am also in the process of trying to buy a house, which is eating into my time. Most importantly, baseball season has started, and I am obsessing over every pitch.

In short, I have a lot going on. So, dontsurrender is the newest contributor to this thing. Cokaru has been picking up the slack nicely, which I'm glad. She's awesome.

Okay, I'm going into south city to eat, sit in Mokabe's and grade, and look at a house later. Maybe I will finally go by Whole Foods in Brentwood and get some vegan pizza.

I'm thinking I will get at least one more author to this thing, hopefully: this rad chick named Kelly. She's cute, sweet, annoying, and vegan. She is planning on moving here soon.


  1. Hey busy is not an acceptable excuse. :)

    Thanks for sending in reinforcements. Cokaru told me about this blog, I linked to it in my post today.

    Keep it up!

  2. (Thanks for the ups, Greg. You're not so bad yourself. :))
